
From Stuck At 2200 For 2 Years, To FIDE Master In Just 3 Tournaments

I think you've come a long way...I don't honestly know if I will ever earn the title of FIDE Master. I would love to become that good, but I'm 47 years old and I don't even have a FIDE USCF rating is below 1100 (my highest rating was 1328, but that was over 10 years ago and I lost to a much-lower rated player...

I have too many obstacles, my late start in real chess being one of them. I have a lot of bad habits in chess, and they're harder to break than I realized. I often wish I had found a chess teacher when I was in my early 20s--granted, I still would have been too weak to have ever become a GM (something I had wanted for a long time). However, I am at peace with that and I hope I can become a national master someday--I really need to be a much better player if I ever want a chance to teach chess.

I am taking a break from chess lessons. I will resume them later this year...maybe in the middle of June at the earliest. I know I need a plan to crawl back up the ladder. I hope I can set aside an hour or two per week for lessons. My chess teacher had very reasonable prices for lessons, and, if I paid for a bundle of 10 lessons (at least), I could get a reasonable discount.