
News + This & That

I have to say we are growing! For such a little team as Indicheck is, competing against professionals and serious streamers in a highly prestigious tournament like the Lichess MEGA, and finishing in 25th place is a great result! Congratulations my precious Indicheckers!
@cheesebuster CM @Rimac_C2 @AlexNemtsov Papa @TEOHS CM @HGabor @Devchauhan9797 @JohnNwachukwu @AaRaMk Commander @AlexLangley @gjayah @counter-strike-2 @Rbd209 @chess_acrobatic Mr. Attitude @drattitude @md_shadman @seyed111 Agent @CyberGenexis @Aarush_is_the_best NoStop @tomkruz88 @HrishikeshPs @Puzzlesking123 @liteshabinav
Most Kind And Excellent Coach wannabebegmonce thank you very much... Indicheck-hu is truly special...Thank you...
More than "coach", I feel like we should say "King" wannabegmonce because of his relentless efforts for Indicheck. What do you say @wannabegmonce?
@CyberGenexis said in #174:
> More than "coach", I feel like we should say "King" wannabegmonce because of his relentless efforts for Indicheck. What do you say @wannabegmonce?
Very kind, but I dont want to be "King". I dont rule over you guys and girls! We are all Kings and Queens! You just do your part and I do my part of the TEAMWORK!!!! :) But thanks for noticing the work and effort I put into this team "behind the scenes". Most players think that just playing supports and helps a team, but I strongly disagree!!!
Cheers *)
Team Indicheck is just CRAZY! Check this out:
Team message says:
"Lets win the Friendly Fights again!
! ! NOW
Tonight: TPR Night Champ"

and the result is:
Friendly Fight 1st Place May18
TPR Night CHamp 1st Place May18
Big shoutout to Indicheckers
@AdeesaAminda @Rbd209 @MIKA_1009 Mr. Attitude @drattitude @Saisaarangh @smallfriend @learningchess6 @ladro1 @nagaprasadCH @Bigbrotherbig @akhileshdey Scharf @schachbronko @AlexNemtsov @abhigyanmallick2012 Papa @TEOHS NoStop @tomkruz88 @dungtvd2705201276 CM @YourBerserker @chess_pr0964 @Maksat-LBP @ILikeEatingChips @Ekdant @sgchess2023 @Lpande_CMC Agent @CyberGenexis @Tavish_Bansal @ALFA_OMEGA1

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